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ABB IRB 6700 63HAC043075-002 & 3HAC043075-001 & 3HAC033372-001 | Advanced SCARA Robots

The ABB IRB 6700 series robots are designed for high-speed, precise assembly tasks in various industries, offering unmatched flexibility and efficiency.

Max Payload (kg):63

Reach (mm):1980

Operating Speed (m/s):0.4

Repeatability (mm):0.01

Joint Type:4-axis AC servomotors

Communication Interface:Ethernet

Software Compatibility:RobotStudio, Control Builder F

    The ABB IRB 6700 series is renowned for its precision capabilities, making it an ideal choice for industries requiring high accuracy and repeatability in assembly lines and automation processes.

    Equipped with advanced motion control systems, this robot ensures smooth operation and minimizes downtime, contributing significantly to increased productivity and efficiency.

    The modular components allow for easy integration with existing machinery and systems, offering unparalleled flexibility in configuring solutions tailored to specific industrial needs.

    With a working temperature range of -10°C to +40°C, the IRB 6700 series is designed to operate in a variety of industrial environments, ensuring reliable performance year-round.

    Backed by ABB’s comprehensive support and maintenance services, users can expect optimal performance throughout the lifecycle of their investment, ensuring long-term reliability and cost-effectiveness.

ABB IRB670063HAC043075-002 3HAC043075-001 3HAC033372-001 IRB670063HAC043075-002 3HAC043075-001 3HAC033372-001

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